VENDLET boosted my independence
Fiona had trouble lying in the same position all night long, but needed help turning herself. Now, with the VENDLET, she can position herself during the night whenever she gets uncomfortable.
29. April 2019
When Fiona Taylor’s carers put her to bed in the evening, she knew she wasn’t going to be able to stay comfortable all night. When Fiona did become uncomfortable in the position she was put to bed in, her only choice was to call for help. But since she’s had the VENDLET system, she can reposition herself.
"If I got really uncomfortable or painful I would have to call someone to move me around. But with the VENDLET I can do it completely on my own," Fiona says: "It suprised me how easy it was to use. Within a couple of days I was wizzing around and it has just been brilliant."
Fiona also has carers who help her dress and shower. And it has also been valuable to them: "They don't have to strain themselves turning me anymore," Fiona says.
For Fiona, the VENDLET hasn’t just removed the inconvenience of having to call for help, but has enabled her to reclaim a piece of her independence.
Watch the video of Fiona here: